5 reasons why your story equals your success

Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

How do you do bigger work, build a network, and generate resources like revenue?

People. You need people. People who care about you / what you want to create.

I call this your "family" - a group of people without whom you can't be successful, who get what you're about and are cheering you on.

FACT: No matter what "they" told you, we don't actually accomplish anything alone. (A huge insight from yours truly, who used to value independence above all things!).

Q: So, how do you get more people to care about you / what you're up to? How do you build a "family?"

A: Story. Story. Story.

This is the nugget I gave to *every* client this week. You won't get where you want to be without sharing your story.

And if you need justification for sharing, here are 5 top reasons your story matters and why it's worth moving past your fear to share!

1. When you share your story, you help someone. They might need your voice, your insight, your hope, your holding-it-together-ness-right-now, too, and neither of you would know that without a message that uplifts, inspires, affirms, or resonates. This is why you follow who you follow, and that's why your "family" follows you too!

2. Sharing creates and deepens relationships. Try having a relationship without communicating! The same is true for you. No communication? Your "family" remains the same size and power. It's how your "family" gets to know you better, and how others can find you, too.

3. Story, shared authentically, over time, creates trust. Story becomes a visible body of work. You show up for yourself, you show up for them, you demonstrate you're committed. Trust comes from there. (If you're faking it or you don't care about your people, that will also translate.)

4. They genuinely like you, so your story is their reward. Sharing gives them what they want: YOU.

5. Sometimes when you share, magic happens! Resources appear: surprise money, opportunities, the world is your oyster.

It's easier to lurk than to communicate. But *social* media, is social by definition, and it thrives on story. It need not be complicated.

How are you telling your story to succeed?